POLITICS: We regret to inform you...
You are Jewish and so you are marked for death.
You are Christian and so you are marked for death.
You are Buddhist, Sikh, Hindu, or otherwise an infidel and so you are marked for death.
You are an atheist and so you are marked for death.
You are American and so you are marked for death.
You are Western European and so you are marked for death.
You are Australian and so you are marked for death.
You are a homosexual and so you are marked for death.
You are Salman Rushdie and so you are marked for death.
You are a Danish cartoonist and so you are marked for death.
You are a member of the European press who has reproduced offensive Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad and so (you guessed it) you are marked for death.
You are the rare and brave Muslim who has vocalized serious reservations about coreligionists who demonize Jews and the West, derogate other religions, praise anger as the noblest of all emotions, position victimhood as the ultimate dignity, choose violence as the tactic of first resort, and blame others for all the ills of society, and so you, too, are marked for death.
The good news?
You are a non-Western Muslim woman, so you’re really lucky.
Change Dutch to Danish and you have an excellent point.
Anonymous, at 3:19 PM, February 05, 2006
Yep, my mistake. Now corrected. Somehow, though, I don't think this should make Dutch cartoonists feel any safer than Dutch filmmakers.
Purveyor, at 4:14 PM, February 05, 2006
Maybe I just have a really sick sense of humour, but I love the photo in the link. I think I recognise those women!
Nilk, at 6:55 PM, February 05, 2006
Dear Russell
I am deeply offended by your post. There is absolutely NO mention of us Hindus! We have been marked for death for at least 400 years and you just forget about us!
And then there are the Sikhs and the Buddhists. You don't want to upset them...especially not the Buddhists...
Please rectify.
Anonymous, at 9:01 AM, February 06, 2006
How sad that people are writing to me to say, "But we belong on the list too! You forgot us!" It really does reinforce the point. Please don't be offended. I do not doubt that Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddists are as subject to Muslim tyranny and violence as everyone else. "Infidel or atheist" was my attempt to broaden all the categories of religion and non-religion that are not Islam.
Purveyor, at 9:34 AM, February 06, 2006
One more thought. Is it possible that the list of religions that are marked for death is as long as the list of religions that are not Islam?
Purveyor, at 9:45 AM, February 06, 2006
I am Danish, yet I don't feature on the list. Oh, my mistake; two other groups included me.
Looking at the list again: It must be awfully lonely to be an extremist muslim - no wonder they're mad.
Anonymous, at 12:00 AM, February 08, 2006
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